Team Coaching Chicago

Team Coaching ChicagoWhen it’s time to complete an important project for work, it’s great to have your employees working as a team to finish the project in time. Often times this is not the case. Each employee has their own ideas for finishing this project and they all clash. You begin to see the flaws in your team. They’re not glaring, but can prove to be counterproductive. You need to get your employees working as a team and performing better, but you don’t know how. This is where the Center for Expert Performance comes in.

For decades the coaching specialists at the Center for Expert Performance have been conducting team coaching in Chicago for businesses. Our strategies are customized to the needs of your team to assist us in establishing achievable goals and objectives. What makes our training process unique is that we identify the positive attributes your employees bring to the table and build off of those.

To learn more about our team coaching sessions in Chicago or if you have any questions regarding our other coaching and training fields, give us a call today at 847-831-3182. You can also reach us by submitting the contact form and one of our associates will get back to you as soon as possible.

Appreciative Team Coaching in Chicago

To help your team grow, we first conduct a 30 plus item benchmark that compares individuals to the very best performers. We are looking for strengths possessed by your employees and we don’t focus on the biggest challenges until we have established that our methods are applied. After the benchmark we implement our appreciative approach that dictates no one is in need of repair. This creates confidence and positive attitudes, making it easier to set challenging goals and to reach those goals.

Expert Team Coaching Chicago

For more information on team coaching in Chicago or if you have any questions about our other coaching areas, call us today at 847-831-3182. Or simply fill out the contact form on this page and we will respond shortly.

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