How We Work at the Center for Expert Performance
If you are willing to practice new skills through coaching, you should expect great results from our approach. Here are a few of the results our clients have realized.
- Raised employee capabilities
Your employees are much more likely to look for and solve problems while requiring less direction and guidance from you. Communication across the organization improves and you spend less time refereeing disputes, internal battles, and turf wars. All in all, your employees will recognize more of their hidden talents and strengths and use these talents to their full effectiveness for your success and the success of your organization.
- More effective teams
Your team will make better decisions more rapidly without the usual angst and procrastination and will trim your company of wasteful practices and performance. Your team will work better overall, coordinate and collaborate, meet deadlines, and create more effective solutions to your challenges.
- Enhanced leadership and management
Your management team will be more productive, delegating more effectively, organizing their time better, and ultimately producing more of the work that you need to succeed.
Many times our clients become eligible for promotion taking on more responsibility and producing more as they advance their skills.
Increased retention and loyalty overallÂ
Because you care enough to develop your people, employee loyalty increases as does their retention. You avoid the cost of replacing people unnecessarily particularly those who have great potential but need their skills polished.
Expert Performance Coaching Values
We believe in core principles that guide our practice.
Your employees are your most important and valuable asset. Grow this asset and your company and organization will grow also. Help your people to discover their talents and strengths, capitalize on these strengths, and your company will thrive and expand.
We frequently hear complaints from leadership about employee behavior. But even for employees whose behavior is out of the norm, we have yet to speak to even one who had bad intentions, who deliberately came to work to create havoc and dysfunction. These well intentioned employees usually require refocus and redirection that steers them away from poor performance to become highly valued contributors in your organization. Employees want to grow and most often they simply need to find their true path.
- Benchmark
Efforts to help your people grow begins with a 30-plus item benchmark that compares the individual to the very best. We focus first on primary strengths followed by secondary strengths. We believe that one should not focus on our biggest challenges until we are firm in our applications of all of our strongest capabilities and skills.
- Appreciative Approach
Throughout our efforts we use an approach called appreciative coaching which assumes that no one is broken or needs to be repaired. During the process, positive language and positive thinking is used to establish a highly creative and flexible process that energizes and creates hope, enjoyment, and a tangible path to achievement of outcomes. The approach and use of appreciative coaching creates extraordinary and sometimes life-changing results.
We usually coach for 14 one hour sessions held every other week. During that time we discuss strengths, the client’s dreams and vision, and how to make the dream and vision reality.
Each session ends with an agreed-upon activity that can be completed before the next session. This will allows your people to immediately experience a series of successful experiences.
Learn more about what we can do for you and your organization in our Services section.