Providing Expert Approaches To Improvethe performance of your employees and your company
Please take the this short quiz to determine your satisfaction with your current needs. If you would like more information, or to receive some additional tools in this important area, please feel free to contact us.
Score 80 to 100 You are doing great! You scored at the top of the mountain. Keep up the excellent work.
Score 60 to 79 You have done a great job hiring. Notice the items that you scored highest and lowest. Keep doing the things which cause you to excel. If you scored yourself lower on some items, look back at the chapter to learn more, then feel free to add one or two actions that will improve results. Keep up the good work!
Score 59 or below Keep heart, you are on your way to even greater hiring success. Take a bit of time to find those items from the hiring chapter which will give you the most significant payback. I want you to be successful, so pick only a few to work on at a time.
Remember, I’m here to help you free. All I ask is that you tell your friends and colleagues how terrific your experience was with me! [email protected]or 847 840 9926
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