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There is no better way to understand the value of coaching than to try it out.request a consultation What better way than to try it out for free -- no fee, no obligation. We truly want you to discover whether there are benefits to the coaching process without risking your hard earned resources. Simply complete the items below to request a consultation and we will get back to you to schedule a time.

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What People Are Saying

As Executive Vice President of the National Kitchen Bath Association, I was awaiting the decision of the board whether they would hire an outside person or promote me to CEO. The board recommended coaching with Vince Racioppo who helped me address a number of challenges that would enable me to receive the promotion. In fact last year I was given the CEO position in part as a result of the work with Dr. Racioppo. Even after more than a year later I continue to work with Vince who provides sage counsel as I deal with the many challenges inherent in an Association. He continues to help me expand my leadership capabilities and to enhance my ability to be successful in my role.Bill Darcy, CEO - National Kitchen and Baths Association