Our research tells us that top talented employees divert on average 30% to as much as 50% of their time just to correct problems others should have fixed. These high performers compensate daily for others' inadequacy and the organization's development failures. As a result, the work of your top talent gets assigned to somebody else less capable, and most likely, doesn't get done.
Diversion costs are staggering. The most easily identified expense comes from turnover, with attrition reaching 70% and approaching nine figures. The hidden costs are worse – the risk of delayed projects, top performer burnout, and enormous costs for two people doing one person's work.
The underlying solution lies with us, leadership – we need to develop our people's competency to do the job and manage situations.
You might argue that your job is to fix others' problems.
We disagree. Fixing things is only half the story. We need to change our leadership mindset to understand that a key leadership purpose is to reduce diversion. Otherwise, you're wasting money.
Stop time diversion, and you increase productivity, throughput, quality, and grow profits.
Use our leadership diversion survey log https:tinyurl.com/LogDiversion and prove it to yourself. Contact Dave or me for a complimentary conversation on bringing diversion under control and growing your business.
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