Center for Expert Performance Blog

  1. Having a tough day?

    February 25, 2017

    In the world of coaching, there is a belief that what you pay attention to grows. Since my own coaching journey began, (I have been coached as well as coach executives and managers) encounters and meetings such as the one I am about to describe happen frequently. Possibilities open and what is needed occurs bringing
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  2. Change Your Mindset and Become an Expert Performer

    February 11, 2017

    While I was in graduate school, I studied voice with a master voice teacher named John VanCura. He helped his students to perform in extraordinary ways by turning seemingly ordinary voices into budding opera singers. John told me that I could have a career in opera singing, a thought which thrilled and scared me. Even
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  3. A Personal Lesson: There are no words in German for Win-Win Solution

    June 6, 2016

    Sometimes in my daily living someone says something that turns my head around, changes my beliefs and rewrites my map of the world. A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure to work with a culturally diverse group of US and German employees from a large multinational European based company. We were reviewing the results
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  4. The Power of “I Will” vs. “I Wish”

    May 16, 2016

    The other day, I was talking to a client who is the sales vice president for several companies which live under the umbrella of a larger company. One of the companies had significant quality and delivery challenges which were serious enough to cause the company’s sales to tumble by 1/3 during the 2009 recession. With
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